The Numerica PAC is a great place to volunteer! Where would you fit in?

The Numerica Performing Arts Center relies on volunteers in every area to keep the theater up and running. We currently have a team of more than 100 fabulous volunteers. We couldn’t do it without them!

You can help the Numerica PAC sell tickets, welcome and seat patrons, answer questions, sell concessions and ensure events go off without a catch while earning valuable volunteer points. YOU can help make each patrons’ experience fantastic through volunteering. All ages are welcome to join our volunteer team. Become a Volunteer today!

To learn more, please contact Zach Missal, Office Manager, at 665-9096 x223, or stop by and visit our office at 123 North Wenatchee Avenue, in the lower lobby during box office hours: Monday through Friday from 10:00am to 5:30pm.


Community Benefits & Volunteer Points

When you volunteer at the Numerica PAC, you can also help your favorite community organization. Numerica PAC volunteers may sign up to earn points toward future rental credits for the performing arts organization of their choice.  Points are earned according to the hours a volunteer works. Volunteers must assign the organization(s) that will benefit from their points.  Points will be recorded in the Numerica PAC office and may be used as credit toward their organization’s future rental of the Numerica PAC.


Volunteer Opportunities

The Box Office

Volunteers work in the box office in shifts during regular box office hours.  Shifts generally run from 11:30 am to 2:30 pm and 2:30 pm to 5:30 pm.  Evening and weekend show box office shifts are also available.  Some volunteers work one shift a week, while others elect to work two or more.  Volunteers in the box office answer phones, sell tickets and work on various projects needed to keep the offices up and running.  Training is provided.  Familiarity with computers and interest in interacting with a wide variety of people are advantages. Knowledge of computer keyboarding is a must.


The ushering system at the Numerica PAC is broken down into two levels. Ushers work the event, taking tickets, handing out programs, directing customers to their seats and answering general facility questions. Experienced ushers have the option of becoming house managers that manage the ushers during an event. People interested in ushering at the Numerica PAC are given a facility tour and evacuation training. Once on the rotation, ushers are scheduled for events by the volunteer coordinator.

Board of Directors

Persons interested in service on the Numerica PAC Board of Directors should contact Alex Haley, at 665-9096 x229.


Some performers sell merchandise prior to the show, during intermission and following the show.  The Numerica PAC provides volunteers to assist with these sales.  The Numerica PAC also offers an expanded selection of concessions and duties could include the selling of food and beverages. A MAST servers permit is required to volunteer at concessions.

Technical Volunteers

Occassionally the Numerica PAC requires a large number of volunteers willing to unload trucks, push roadcases, assemble scenery, assist with wardrobe, and other tasks associated with presenting bigger touring productions. The day is typically long, and the work more strenuous than other volunteer positions, but the reward is in working directly with the touring production teams and casts. Persons interested in serving as a technical volunteer should contact Mike Locke, Tech Director, at 665-9096 x222.

Numerica Festival of Trees

From the planning stages, to design and decorating, to the actual festival itself, the Numerica Festival of Trees needs hundreds of volunteers for this annual November fundraiser.  Areas of volunteer opportunities include decorating trees, setting-up for the various Festival events, decorating trees and wreaths, and working on-site during the festival. There are over a dozen committees that are looking for your help. Persons interested in serving as a Numerica Festival of Trees volunteer should contact the Festival Coordinator at [email protected].

Volunteer Form