Colin Mochrie (of Whose Line Is It, Anyway?)


HYPROV: Improv under Hypnosis
Featuring Master Hypnotist Asad Mecci


March 3, 2022 | 7:30pm | $29-$59

NOTE: Audience members 12 and older will be required to be fully vaccinated OR show proof of negative Covid-19 test for all performances and public events held indoors. Masks are required to be worn at all times while not actively eating or drinking.


What is HYPROV?

From the brilliant minds of improv and comedy legend Colin Mochrie and Master Hypnotist Asad Mecci comes a brand new, mind-blowing, jaw-dropping, side-splitting show. Hypnosis and Improv — two art forms that have mystified and entertained fans, sceptics and everything in between for decades worldwide – come together as two masters of their crafts unite for a totally unique comedy experience —  HYPROV:  Improv Under Hypnosis.

Twenty random volunteers from the audience will be put under hypnosis (the process of which is a show in its own right), their inhibitions evaporated and their minds no longer their own. The four or five best are left on stage when one of the world’s leading improvisers enters! Colin Mochrie (co-creator) will initiate and manipulate those under hypnosis himself and turn the show into an improv extravaganza! 

In the hands of two masters, and solely crafted from the audience’s uninhibited subconscious, this will be an entirely original and completely unforgettable show, for who knows where the unconscious mind will go.  What can possibly go wrong?  Come and see for yourself!


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