After six years as Executive Director of the Numerica Performing Arts Center, Matt Cadman has announced his retirement effective March 15, 2019.

“My tenure as Executive Director at the Numerica PAC has been one of the great privileges of my life,” says Cadman. “The past six years have been transformational and I wouldn’t have traded them for the world. I am deeply grateful to our Board of Directors, our legion of selfless volunteers, my sterling staff, and especially to all our patrons, donors, sponsors, and community leaders who have shown such generous and enthusiastic support for our ‘precious little theatre’.”

Cadman has been a pillar of the Numerica Performing Arts Center since being hired as the Executive Director in February 2013. Some of his most notable accomplishments include the creation of the annual Spring Fling event which resulted in six seasons of fully-sponsored shows, creation of the Every Kid at the PAC (EKAP) program to bring the performing arts to over 20,000 students from 12 regional school districts, establishment of a Numerica PAC Latino Council to diversify programming and audiences, cultivation of partnerships to bring the Apple Blossom Musical and Hot August Nights to the Numerica PAC stage, negotiation of a twelve-year naming partnership with Numerica Credit Union, development of a community outreach program to serve people with dementia using the vehicle of the performing arts, and establishment of an endowment fund of over $170,000.

The Numerica PAC Board of Directors will begin looking for candidates to fill Cadman’s position immediately. Job posting to follow shortly.

Numerica PAC Board President, Jake Purdom, says “Matt Cadman has personified the vision and mission of the Numerica Performing Arts Center of building community and celebrating the arts.  His name will forever be associated with igniting the spark that reawakened the excitement, energy, and involvement that should be part of a regional performing arts venue, a building block of a thriving community and cultural scene.  We owe Matt a debt of gratitude and sincere thanks for his years of dedication and service to this fantastic organization.”

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