A satirical black comedy film directed by Stanley Kubrick, released in 1964. The film explores the Cold War tensions between the United States and the Soviet Union. It revolves around an unhinged U.S. Air Force general who orders a nuclear strike on the Soviet Union without proper authorization, triggering a series of events that could lead to global nuclear annihilation. The film's dark humor and sharp satire satirize the military and political establishments, highlighting the absurdity and potential dangers of the nuclear arms race. Key characters include the eccentric Dr. Strangelove, a former Nazi scientist, and the U.S. President trying to prevent a nuclear catastrophe.
A satirical black comedy film directed by Stanley Kubrick, released in 1964. The film explores the Cold War tensions between the United States and the Soviet Union. It revolves around an unhinged U.S. Air Force general who orders a nuclear strike on the Soviet Union without proper authorization, triggering a series of events that could lead to global nuclear annihilation. The film's dark humor and sharp satire satirize the military and political establishments, highlighting the absurdity and potential dangers of the nuclear arms race. Key characters include the eccentric Dr. Strangelove, a former Nazi scientist, and the U.S. President trying to prevent a nuclear catastrophe.
MONDAY – FRIDAY | 10:00AM – 5:30PM