"Alien" is a science-fiction horror movie released in 1979. The film follows the crew of the commercial spaceship Nostromo, who are awakened from their cryogenic sleep on their return journey to Earth by a distress signal from an unknown planet.
Upon landing on the planet, the crew members encounter an alien life form that attaches itself to one of their crew members, Kane (played by John Hurt). The alien subsequently hatches from Kane's body and begins to stalk and attack the other members of the crew.
The film's protagonist, Ripley (played by Sigourney Weaver), becomes the only survivor of the crew's encounter with the alien creature. The film builds tension and suspense as Ripley tries to survive and escape the Nostromo while being hunted by the deadly and intelligent alien.
"Alien" is a science-fiction horror movie released in 1979. The film follows the crew of the commercial spaceship Nostromo, who are awakened from their cryogenic sleep on their return journey to Earth by a distress signal from an unknown planet.
Upon landing on the planet, the crew members encounter an alien life form that attaches itself to one of their crew members, Kane (played by John Hurt). The alien subsequently hatches from Kane's body and begins to stalk and attack the other members of the crew.
The film's protagonist, Ripley (played by Sigourney Weaver), becomes the only survivor of the crew's encounter with the alien creature. The film builds tension and suspense as Ripley tries to survive and escape the Nostromo while being hunted by the deadly and intelligent alien.
MONDAY – FRIDAY | 10:00AM – 5:30PM